

i. Spot check and recheck

In order to ensure the accuracy of score statistics, the supervision team will review the scores of all the top 10 teams in the event; Spot check and recheck the other results. And the coverage rate of spot check shall not be less than 15%. The supervision team shall timely inform the chief referee of the errors found in therecheck in writing, and the chief referee shall correct the results and sign for confirmation. If the error rate exceeds 5%, it shall be deemed as a non small probability event, and the referee team shall review all results.

ii. Statistical scoring method

Each scoring team shall score the modules in their charge respectively, and the scoring score sheet shall be signed and confirmed by each referee participating in the evaluation and submitted to the chief referee for safekeeping. The original score sheet shall be reviewed and signed by the referees of each group, and then confirmed by the chief referee and then submitted to the staff for entry into the system.

iii. Score juxtaposition

Compare the scores of the four modules in reverse order. For example, if the total score is the same, compare the score of module 1, and the one with high score is ranked first. If the total score is the same and the score of module 1 is the same, compare the score of module 2, and the one with higher score will be ranked first, and so on.